Finding lawyers to share your evaluation’s ID CODE

… and require a representation offer if then want you as a client!

Use the telephone referral services run by the National Association of Disability Representatives and the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (800-747-6131 and 845-682-1881, respectively).

With each phone call, you are connected to a different law practice who accepts clients in your area… to then simply share your evaluation’s ID CODE and ask to submit a representation offer if want you as a client!

Remember… because everything they need to decide if want you as a client is contained in your evaluation results, all you need to do is direct them to* while sharing your evaluation’s ID CODE.

* Also found without the hyphen at

These above national organizations lobby for improvements to the Social Security disability benefit programs, protecting the interests of both legal representatives and the claimants they serve. Each have annual conferences to promote professional development and keeping its members updated on changes to the law and regulations that affect the ability to best represent their clients.